News from the Field!

From Linda Gibson, BNF missionary nurse to Thailand:

“We just had a team of 10 from FBC Dunnellon, FL come on mission with us the past 11 days!!  When we had our mobile clinic in a remote place here in ChiangRai province, the team set up a counseling/prayer corner (with a translator from our church here) and they gave each patient some “muscle rub cream” and a tract in your pretty cloth bags that I brought here this year!  All was received with huge smiles of appreciation.  The two older ladies on the FBC team took care of the eyeglass table and did the same, putting glasses and a tract in Thai into those cloth bags.

My husband John did many POCUS ultrasound exams that day.  Since he works at the government hospital in Primary Care Department in ChiangRai, he was able to write presciptions and refer patients to his department there as well.  One team member did DM screening with glucometer.  Another did urine dip-sticks since we see so much DM and kidney stone patients. 

Glad the BNF Summit went off well!  Was praying that weekend for Exec committee and attendees.  Also saw the post about the clinic held in a needy community there as well.  Awesome work!”


BNF Summit in the News!


Virtual Education August 31,2023